New Place


Fluff Bake Bar is opening for business...

The wait is over. After what seemed like the longest two months in the history of time, Fluff Bake Bar is opening its doors to its new home at 1701 West 15th Street on Saturday! Sure, the bakery is opening at a tough time, but don’t cookies make life better? We’ll open with a limited menu jam-packed with your favorites:

  • Couch Potato, Chocolate Chip and Snickerdoodle cookies, Unicorn Bait, Brownies, Lemon Tarts and Star Crossed Lovers. Check our Instagram for special features as well! For more description, check out our Goods page.

  • Espresso-based drinks (Americano, Latte, Cappuccino) and Cold Brew

For the time being, service will be exclusively curbside and delivery.

  • For curbside service, you can order online. We are allowing 2 customers at a time to come into the shop and place your orders. Please remember to practice the art of social distancing!

  • Email orders are not available at this time - thank you for understanding.

We’re taking a lot of precautions to make sure that your visit is squeaky clean:

  • The Houston Health Department has some serious requirements for restaurants regarding sanitation, employee cleanliness, hand-washing, cleaning and more. We will closely adhere to their guidelines, and then some.

  • Only credit cards will be accepted. Thank you in advance for using cards only, and for generously tipping the team at the time of payment. 100% of tips go to them.

  • We’ll have limited hours until it’s safe for us to be open longer: Wednesday - Sunday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

  • Both food and beverages will be served in disposable packaging, and we won’t be able to accommodate the use of personal cups.

If you’d like to support us in another way, consider checking out our merch or buy a gift card or two. Online shop here.

Can’t wait to see everyone soon.

Much love,
